2 Videos in 3 Days! Praise the FSM! Arrr!
The FSM, in its unending glory, has delivered my bowels from their wavering consistence.
Pasta Nobiscum,
Pasta Infinitum,
Pasta Arrabiatum,
As I'll continue my travels soon (towards the east, Jhapa) I'll have to finish my work before that. So I shall work like the madman that I am for the next three days, and deliver 2 (two) new episodes of that all-time classic, dave's away. Orrr I'll be beaten by reactionary power shortages, but hey, that's what generators are for.
So, I'll write no more and get to work!
Production Delays - yet again
dave´s away EP II : The Journey to Enlightenment
The DAVE has been enlightened.
And he will share his wisdom.
Yet another happily bullshit-filled episode of dave´s away. Footage taken from the mountains between Trisuli and Ghurka, Nepal. No Bulls or Goats where eaten during the production of this video, but they where interviewed and slightly annoyed.
We had some chicken, though.
Madness. Fiction, Reality and Bullshit.
Off to the mountains - is this Madness?
EPISODE ONE - Kathmandu Kaos.
production troubles.
sex throughout the ages, previous pics (!) and luxurious lines.

the cult of "refresh" - frantical clicking for the win-gods
is simply to slow for that here). No, it's a ritual rarely seen in our western hemisphere:
The mac users out there might not remember it, and the vista users probably as well, but there's a feature in Win XP that allows you to integrate websites into your desktop. So there's a small item in the menu that says "refresh".
You have to see it to believe it. Nepali "hardware computer teachers", as close to trained professionals as you can get here, are right-clicking and left-clicking at speeds too fast for the untrained eye. And now for the wtf!?! of this>
They actually believe this will make their computer go faster. It says "refresh", right? So the computer will be fresher, and will go more quickly.
rotfl, dave out - happy tibetan new year 2066 everyone!
by the way: wosIsig's "Atheist" is now available with english subtitles!
Kathmandu Blues - generator, sweet generator.
Phokara-Land. Normality and Insanity.
Location Update: Ghorka
Ah, yes, Ghorka. The ancient seat, palace, temple etc... of the dynasty that ruled Nepal until just a year ago. Just got here, and was again convinced of the fact that Hindu temples are really boring. All the statues are hardly recognizable because the devout smear them full with red paste. Apparently, the gods like that.
Other than that: Found some rests of an ancient martial art in local dance traditions. Will check that out in Phokara, tomorrow. The Brits (especially their Ghorka regiment) are about as helpful as a brick wall. Quite polite. but not budging one inch.
From the lush green palace gardens, you have a wonderful view over the local dusty favela architecture. Especially from the helipads. You have to give that to the Maoists: at least they got rid of that King.
el d.
Mountains of Ramblings, Ruminations and Ramen.
Very well, dear fans, friends and family,
This is the f!§"ing middle ages here, people. Yes, some houses have electricity, but 93% here still survive on what they can farm.
No, you eco-freaks, this is not a good thing.
One good meal a day (dhal-bhat, rice and lentils, some meat maybe once a month), the rest is just toiling away, beating and shouting at buffalos, oxen, wives, kids or other relatives to work faster...
And yeah, there´s nearly no rain (once the monsun has gone, that is). Once a day, mostly in the evening time, a few drops come down.
They know that something like that exists, but it´s as far out of their reach as the stars themselves.
My personal recommendation (and diet plan) for all of Asia: Get the pre-packaged noodle soup (RAmen!, oh ye faithful, RAmen!). For less than 20 cents, this is not a bad deal. Especially if you add some vegetables and more chilly. Yum! This is the safest possible way to eat, and one of the most nutritious as well. Other than that: deep-fried Samosas for less than 5 cents rule.
And if you buy outside of Khatmandu, you just might get a quality that doesn´t cause a headache the next day.
Ah yes, being a caucasian with a beard, I´m the main attraction at any event I attend. Funny, but can be somewhat bugging if you can´t get those frickin kids to go away and leave you in peace. At the Tirpura Sundari festival, I was the center of a very big group of kids wherever I went.
I`ll try to have the first episode of my audiovisual work ready in the next week or so. (If I can find a suitable place to edit. Probably Pokhara.)
el d.